Friday, November 27, 2009

Rainy Day Discoveries

Rainy Day Discoveries
Originally uploaded by TrubbleShots
I got tired of whining about the rain and how I couldn't take decent pictures because of it... and here's what I found when I got over myself and went out in the rain.

"Maturity includes the recognition that no one is going to see anything in us that we don't see in ourselves. Stop waiting for a producer. Produce yourself." Marianne Williamson

wonderful caption,very unique.."lost in escape."

What's keeping her head up? Nothing but blue skies.

Another dandelion. These are my new favorite photo subjects. (:
I think this is my favorite so far. The colors make me happy.

Oh Honey...

Oh Honey...
Originally uploaded by AnnuskA - AnnA Theodora
"Friday night I was watching with my most worthy newspaper, and they were talking about the Sarney, giving speech to the plenary empty.
I commented that he was being neglected, there was nobody there, coisital, and my namo "But pq? He was speaking to the TV senate, ué ..."
I said that out of respect, even pq he is the chairman of the Senate, usually go there to listen to at least ...
Then I said:
- He lost prestige
- Yeah, now he'll have to eat charge ..."

Tunnel Of Fire

Tunnel Of Fire
Originally uploaded by Wheelibin
How this amazing pic was trick-shot...
"Steel wool, attached to a chain, set on fire and spun ^_^"

what a trick :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Leaning in the fog(it looks like a painting)

Leaning in the fog
Originally uploaded by LindaB.
"Hubby and I got up very early this morning to head out to Gallup Park in Ann Arbor before sunrise. No sunrise though, just a very heavy fog and most difficult to take photos, at least with my expertise anyway.

Oh, and we forgot the tripod...shots might have come out better had we had that."

Happy Thanksgiving From Tom Turkey!

from thumbnails it was hard to see the beauty in this...but this pic is really good if u see it in full.

"Wild Tom Turkey (male) in full mating display. Taken just before sunrise in the Catskill Mountains, New York State.

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. -- Marcel Proust"

A picture of trees taken trickily in fall 2

trees in fall II
Originally uploaded by luverne

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Seaing Double - Seahorse in aquarium

Seaing Double
Originally uploaded by San Diego Shooter

Friday, November 20, 2009

Erruca Clearwing - Pseudoscada erruca. "Green Energy"

'I was sitting in my office,the KPO where i work..and a very interesting company came while surfing, about producing clean energy.I lied the concept and the product...and wanted to bookmark it somewhere on my net presence pages...and you know orkut and yahoo are not accesible here...but the blogs and the flickr are allowed.And i can blog pictures directly from flickr to my blog..just in two i thot i'd write something abt the company and the url,with a relevant picture from the flickr base :)
before i cud start my search there on flickr..i saw this green butterfly uploaded by a flickr contact,'Anna'...the charming gal photographer from Brazil..and i am fond of her nature love and her sense of taking pictures.She's very popular user on flickr.

So what the sense in bookmarking the clean energy website with this picture...first ..the photo is having the colour green...and secondly..a butterfly uses its calories very efficiently ..this is what i feel,i dont kno the science behind.
Here goes the website description.I am thinking of contacting the firm and start an all India distribution work with the company.. :) no..thers alogn way to go before i attempt any such work."

ElectraTherm Technology

ElectraTherm combines traditional components with patented, cutting-edge technology to create electricity from waste heat. ElectraTherm power systems use a closed-loop organic Rankine cycle (ORC) to create pressure by boiling EPA-approved chemical working fluids into gas. The gas expands in a one way system and turns a patented Twin Screw Expander, which drives a generator to ultimately put out electricity.

Historically, ORCs incorporating turbo-expanders have not been commercially viable in sizes less than 1MW. By replacing turbo-expanders with ElectraTherm's patented, robust, low-cost Twin Screw Expander, users benefit from short payback on systems that provide unattended operation and negligible maintenance.
ElectraTherm's technology:

* Lowest heat requirement in the industry: 200º F
* Flexible and scalable from 25kW-1MW
* One third the cost of turbine generators
* Lowest operation and maintenance requirements in the industry
* Non-combustion process
* Zero toxic byproducts
* Zero emissions
* Zero fossil fuel requirements
* Modular and mobile
* Carbon neutral

Waste heat generator
No company currently produces equipment competitive to ElectraTherm's low temperature, small scale, fuel-free, emission-free power systems.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

teste2 06 11 09 what this pic says

teste2 06 11 09
Originally uploaded by Camila do Rosário
I do not really understood wht the artist was thinking while makin this sketch.And especially the way one lady is shown half naked...if she can explain me a bit i wish :)

Monday, November 09, 2009

Brahminy Kite on fly [Sonargaon, Narayanganj]

Amazing depiction of motion... what a flight.Hope it is the original of what your lens capyured,and not edited.It'll b on my desktop for a day or two,n m blogging it too.
Thanks to the photographer.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Dia de Los Muertos 14 • Santa Ana

I'll have to search n find out now, where Santa Ana is... i have seen such dancing gurls on TV earlier.. but i do not know is it on Hawai or some other place.This girls looks like an aborigine/native indian of some island.
One day i'll fulfil this dream sure.
Thanks to the photographer for takin such a lively shot and sharing the pic

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

giant aloe vera

giant aloe vera
Originally uploaded by susanrudat

Speed of Light

Speed of Light
Originally uploaded by Gaga M13
Nice way to represent the idea od light travelling.
But theresa problem... light travels only in straight lines my :D

07 Geomagnet

07 Geomagnet
Originally uploaded by Image Editor
The Earth has a magnetic field similar to a bar magnet’s magnetic field, but much larger that reaches far out into space. The area of space around the Earth that is controlled by its magnetic field is called its magnetosphere.

~ Tennis ..wen Time is Finished ~

Tennis time is finished !!
actually I took this photo after we got tired from playing for 2 Hours ,, !
and we were drinking water and my friend made a drop of water on the ground ,, !
and we looked at it ,, and thought about this idea a little bit =D
I chose cleanest ball in ours ! coz the other are so dirty xD

Amazing SKy

Amazing SKy
Originally uploaded by Michele Rinaldi


Originally uploaded by shubhangi athalye