Thursday, October 29, 2009

Amazingly ordinary but a very catchy image..

Originally uploaded by Dena.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

In my dreams I can fly

In my dreams I can fly
Originally uploaded by lichtmaedel
In my dreams I can fly
In my dreams I am a butterfly.

In my dreams I breath love.

In my dreams I am everything.


Originally uploaded by K a t j a

Belted Kingfiser

Belted Kingfiser
Originally uploaded by tundra wookie
I was excited to have some time to test out the 7D with my 600 f/4 today. I set out to photograph Belted Kingfishers and Ospreys with the hope of catching them fishing. The Ospreys didn’t have the same idea but the Kingfishers showed up to the party. I was able to capture him diving in and out of the water (photos to come soon) with fast, accurate focus. I also took some photos at ISO 3200 and ISO 6400 (will post later) that blew my mind at how clean they were. Until then, here is the little guy “playing with his food”.
Happy shooting.

मैं कुछ समय के लिए अपने 600 एफ के साथ बाहर परीक्षण 7D है उत्साहित थी आज 4 /. मैं उन्हें मछली पकड़ने की उम्मीद के साथ तस्वीर बज Kingfishers और Ospreys के लिए बाहर सेट. Ospreys ही विचार नहीं था लेकिन Kingfishers पार्टी में आए थे. मैं उसे कैद से बाहर पानी की और गोताखोरी में सक्षम (तस्वीरें जल्द ही आने के लिए) तेजी से, सही ध्यान देने के साथ था. मैं भी आई एस ओ 3200 में कुछ तस्वीरें ले लिया और आईएसओ 6400 (बाद में पोस्ट) कि कैसे साफ थे पर मेरे मन विस्फोट से उड़ा दिया जाएगा. तब तक, यहाँ छोटे आदमी "अपने भोजन के साथ खेल रही है."
खुश शूटिंग.

Old man with glasses India

वह एक बहुत अच्छा मंदिर के रक्षक है, terracota घोड़े मूर्तियों के सैकड़ों से भरा (pics जल्दी आने के लिए), और जो मार्गदर्शन की किताबों में नहीं है, तो कुछ पर्यटक वहाँ आना .. पैसा नहीं एक अच्छे कर्म कमाने के लिए ...
Ayanar मंदिर, भारत

Never say there is nothing beautiful in the world anymore. There is always something to make you wonder in the shape of a tree, the trembling of a leaf.

कभी कहते हैं कि दुनिया में सुंदर और कुछ भी नहीं है. हमेशा के लिए कुछ करना तुम एक पेड़ के आकार में आश्चर्य एक पत्ती के कांप.
मैं बाहर हर कोई ऐसी सुंदर गिर रही / शरद ऋतु चित्रों के साथ छोड़ दिया महसूस शुरू किया गया. पत्तियां काफी जहाँ मैं जीना नहीं बदल गया है ... तो मैं सड़क थोड़ी जहां उन्हें बदलने के लिए कूच कर रहे हैं.
(as translated by google)

Originally uploaded by Kym Berry

الـــطـــلع -- صــداام

B A B Y ♥

B A B Y ♥
Originally uploaded by daavinia
I saw many many baby photos.But this one was really engaging one... a very different kind of moment it has... i may make it my desktop for some days.Its a great work .. see the timing,the baby is looking in the lens.

मैं कई कई बच्चे photos.But यह एक वास्तव में एक आकर्षक था देखा ... समय के एक बहुत ही अलग तरह का यह है ... मैं इसे किसी एक महान काम days.Its .. मेरे डेस्कटॉप के लिए कर सकते हैं समय देखते हैं, बच्चे के लेंस में दिख रही है.
(actually translated in google..thats y the hindi is so funny here )

Thursday, October 22, 2009

345 These great photo takers of India subcontinent.. wow

Originally uploaded by ~Je^n^ny~
And here she added a poem of 'William Cullen Bryant ' to her photographer.. two great works on a page :)
"Is this a time?..

to be cloudy and sad,
When our mother Nature laughs around;
When even the deep blue heavens look glad,
And gladness breathes from the blossoming ground?

There are notes of joy from the hang-bird and wren,
And the gossip of swallows through all the sky;
The ground-squirrel gaily chirps by his den,
And the wilding bee hums merrily by."

~William Cullen Bryant

Location: Beri Badh , Dhaka,Bangladesh

I do not know the ethics of photography.But i know this photograph is of the highest order in art and thoughtfulness.I do not know still that this work has given the reward that is demands.I was amazed to see the art and the thought silent provokingness in this photograph.Actually m struggling to get those appropriate words for this work.... in abbreviations i can say OMG..hehe
What a great job from the woman ,living not very far from my land :)
I do not have surplus otherwise it is worth spending money on.

yellow hill (a.k.a. find the bee)

This is very beautifully taken....
The thing that amazed me is the no. of notes you have on this picture.. i m very sure you may have missed tens of those notes.. i never seen such a popular person here on flickr.Sara, congrats to you for being so popular.. you are a flickr celebrity !! :)

yellow hill (a.k.a. find the bee)
The Yellow Hills of Goodness

The photographer's words - OKAY! For the love of Pete. In case you didn't see all the little notes clustered in the top right, it's no fun if you put a NOTE where the little bee is, cause then no one else gets to look for it. It's like solving the crossword in the paper, in pen, then putting the paper back. Resist the urge!!

Back to your regularly scheduled programming.

My comment there :

This is very beautifully taken....
The thing that amazed me is the no. of notes you have on this picture.. i m very sure you may have missed tens of those notes.. i never seen such a popular person here on flickr.Sara, congrats to you for being so popular.. you are a flickr celebrity !! :)

Mivalgo chimachima ( Gavião-pinhé ) - Yellow-heahed Caracara - DSC_1937

The description was written in another language.

Xatrac comú (Sterna Hirundo)

Santón Nepalí

Santón Nepalí
Originally uploaded by SafriX
This is a 'Naga' Sadhu.. they live in the killing terrans og himalayas.. and sure they develop in them selves some supernatural powers too.

Harbor from Dockland

Harbor from Dockland
Originally uploaded by oli1975

10.19.09 evening clouds over the Santa Ritas

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Originally uploaded by K.Hurley
I liked it.. because the statue's hands are looking like they are spread like the wings.. so a match is found here... thats why it became a catchy image

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Et Dieu... créa la femme

Nature is female......... they correlate so well...
liked it so added it.

caption for this - Pure joy

Originally uploaded by emmamazing
Reason for selecting this..jus becos of the amazingly clear and fresh sky and clouds and the girl in the amazing..
thanks to the photographer for sharing.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Serenity of Beauty

The Serenity of Beauty
Originally uploaded by KAMorin
The Serenity of Beauty

Ahhhhhhh... I just realized how LONG I have not been around!!! It isn't right!!! I miss my MMFs... I miss all of your beauty... politics is taking over but NO MORE!!! (I said that last time too.. this time I mean it).

I MISS ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you are all doing well!!!!! I can't wait to see your photos.. I know they will make me smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! {{{{{{HUGE HUGS}}}}}

This is from my garden (not from seed... teehee) SOOC other than a crop... I may not be on here often but I will never stop 'stopping to smell the roses'....

Uploaded by KAMorin

Claustre de l'església de la Concepció - Barcelona

Moonrise at Dusk, from the top of the historic Compton Heights Water tower, St. Louis

Moonrise at Dusk, from the top of the historic Compton Heights Water tower, St. Louis

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Reflections for the day

Here is one more shot of the balloons. Honestly I wasn't really happy with any of my shots but since I got up so early for this, I felt like I had to post a few just to feel like it was worth it :) This was taken right after the sunrise launch over the Yakima river. Thank you for any comments, faves, notes (esp from Aaron), critiques, jokes and love in general. Okay, I am really heading to Banff now, really. I will be back online on the 12th and looking forward to getting lost in your photostreams then. :)

Katherine Heigl : An esnips friend of mine resemble her..she's a singer too...

Katherine Heigl
Originally uploaded by rickilevy69