Thursday, December 25, 2008

Kabini, Nov 2008

Kabini, Nov 2008
Originally uploaded by yathin

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Barn owl hunting for mice

Barn owl hunting for mice
Originally uploaded by hawkgenes
I posted a similar shot some months ago, but the background was cluttered and I thought it spoiled the picture. The bird can now be seen very clearly, which was my objective.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Here's the secret...

Here's the secret...
Originally uploaded by iwasfixin2
Here he explains.........
''So often (well, not that often or at all) people ask me, "how did you get that incredible close-up shot?"

Of course, I smile (on the outside) and immediately begin freaking out trying to determine which shot they are talking about... So comes the clarification... "that bird shot, you know the one..."

Ok, so technically this has never happened to me. But just in case it might happen now or in the future, I just wanted to provide my **patented** method of capturing great in-flight bird photos. Are you ready?

- Have a camera.
- Happen to be in a place where birds might fly about you.
- If a bird flies about you... point your camera and take photos.

Ok. So there. You have the magic formula! Get out there and see what happens...''

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Originally uploaded by DurfeeFL
A pair of pelicans put on a great show diving for their dinner today.

Golden silence...

Golden silence...
Originally uploaded by amish_shah

Warbler onna Wire

Warbler onna Wire
Originally uploaded by SugarbearSteve

...a study of a Red Cardinal...

@Edwards Gardens, Toronto


Originally uploaded by clairegrenade

Llenç Blanc

Llenç Blanc
Originally uploaded by annamon
Esta ave de ojos dorados mide 53 a 65 cm de longitud con 120 a 150 cm de envergadura. El adulto macho es virtualmente blanco puro, y hembras y jóvenes muestran pequeñas manchas negras en el abdomen, que hasta pueden predominar. A veces son pardas. Su plumaje es grueso, pesado, y con coloración muy blanca en el búho nevado, bien adaptado al ambiente norte del Círculo Ártico.

La nota más característica de este búho es su plumaje blanco, que le sirve de camuflaje para el ambiente en el que vive y que, a diferencia de los de las demás clases de búhos, que en machos y hembras son casi del mismo color, en el de esta especie presenta en la hembra unas rayas marrones.

Fuente: Wikipedia

Sparrow and Magnolia

Sparrow and Magnolia
Originally uploaded by Jaime Walsh

Glowing apples from Germany vol. 1

light: 1 sb600 flash behind the apple (stuck in it)

View On White

Life is like that (My 50th in Explore)

One fine morning I went to the terrace and saw these beautiful green bee-eaters in a tree nearby.
One of them yelled at me.

The bird: "Ezhil, good morning. We are having a great time here. A lot of insects to eat and these guys keep a good company.

Me: "Thats a great sight, bee-eater. Have a nice time.

Suddenly one of the birds flew away. And within minutes all the four flew away one by one leaving our friend alone.

Follow the story below.....

Uploaded by Ezhil Ramalingam on 4 Dec 08, 3.39AM PST.

Its always lonely at the top....

One fine morning I saw this lonely bird basking in the sunlight on a tree top near my house. I felt very happy to see this bird against the rising sun.
I want my joy to spread around the world and hence this bird is here in Flickr.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Back to Home.....

Back to Home.....
Originally uploaded by Sony&Helen
Taken at : Sultanpur bird sanctuary

This is such a great pic..m sure the photographer is amateur..and seeing this who wd bliv he/she is not a pro !
Seems the birds are too high..but then i dont think it's done with any telescopic lens.In a bird sanctury,birds shift their positions here n there,not reaching much high..
And the b/g colours..awesome


Originally uploaded by tears of a clown
Photographer's words

No Group Invites Please...!
Best viewed in large format...

But how can i leave the best ones there.. :)

Canary pinetree

Canary pinetree
Originally uploaded by dreamdancer_rus
I wanted to add some pics of this photographer.I knew there wd one or two of such quality..had to browse almost all of her..hehe.
Loved this one really..

snowy morning out by the road

I was searching for some good photo for saying my friend a very good morning;...and i knew its snowing rtnow in the US..this was the best one i ended up with...

Photographer's words :

After my morning workout on the mountain, the sun was breaking out as the wind picks up. Officially, snow + 50mph wind = Blizzard, well now at lunch, that's what I got, a blizzard : )

Uploaded by paul+photos=moody on 12 Dec 07, 9.08AM PST.

Meet Me In The Sky Over The Bridge

Sunday, December 07, 2008

UNUSUAL CELESTIAL FORMATION !!! - Good idea to crop it..but may b it cud b dome much better


Originally uploaded by <andreea>
haha..i like this one very much...generally i do not blog such photos,but dunno why m doing it :)

really doono why this was in flickr explore..but saw so many fans of this

Originally uploaded by [S.N.M]
Sometimes cropping a pic britally makes out something incredible..actually m stranger to this photographer,thats why donno what he/she wants to convey in this..anyways you discover :)

Libelula - goodness !

Originally uploaded by wilber.elsalvador
What an accurate fixation of the focus..awesome work

Libelula - goodness !

Originally uploaded by wilber.elsalvador
What an accurate fixation of the focus..awesome work

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Puffing Girl

Originally uploaded by fabiolanotte

Welcome To The Jungle!!

Such photos are not to b forgotten easily by a nature lover like me...
This pic is awesome..and i do not write anything wenevr i blog any photo...but for this i cant stop myself :)
I just love this picture and wd love to see this again n again ..really...

Photographer's words :

So finally, on November's last week, the Guns'n'Roses released their Chinese Democracy album. It received many negative critics. I've listened only to one music - Chinese Democracy, and I think it's just "ok". When I was 14, 15, Axl, Slash and Duff were (to me) the sexiest things on earth (Were. Past tense. Now Axl looks a lot like a Pink Dolphin - aka amazonian boto rosa Inia geoffrensis)
Anyway, I used to skip swim practice to watch a tape I had borrowed from a friend, of their show in Tokyo. I knew every move, loved axl's short, loved slash's and Duff's style, so cool! Without all of them, it just isn't the same thing. Also, Axl's voice isn't the same either.


this photo was taken the same day as this one


Guns'n'Roses - Welcome To The Jungle lyrics

Welcome to the jungle We've got fun 'n' games
We got everything you want Honey, we know the names
We are the people that can find Whatever you may need
If you got the money, honey We got your disease

In the jungle Welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your
sha na na na na na na na knees, knees
I wanna watch you bleed

Welcome to the jungle We take it day by day
If you want it you're gonna bleed But it's the price you pay
And you're a very sexy girl That's very hard to please
You can taste the bright lights But you won't get them for free
In the jungle Welcome to the jungle Feel my, my, my serpentine
I, I wanna hear you scream

Welcome to the jungle It gets worse here everyday
Ya learn ta live like an animal In the jungle where we play
If you got a hunger for what you see You'll take it eventually
You can have anything you want But you better not take it from me

And when you're high you never Ever want to come down, so down,
So down, so down, so dooooowwwwwn YEAH!

You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.
You're gonna die! In the jungle Welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your sha na na na na na na na knees, knees
In the jungle Welcome to the jungle Feel my, my, my serpentine
In the jungleWelcome to the jungle Watch it bring you to your
sha na na na na na na na knees, knees In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle Watch it bring you to your It' gonna bring you down-HA!

Uploaded by AnnuskA - AnnA Theodora on 2 Dec 08, 8.20AM PST.

*Loss of Innocence* - While the devil works in large scales.

Photographer's words

Among other things, tempting girls to do naughty things. The End.


for the end of the series I was actually going to upload a street capture, of ahn... *ladies* working at night on a certain avenue, but you know how these things can get you in trouble, specially in a small city like mine... =P


now... go look at the flower photo that's just a lot better than this one =P


Uploaded by AnnuskA - AnnA Theodora on 2 Sep 07, 7.59AM PST.

If only I could touch her cloak

Photographer's words :

...Then I might be cured of my photographer's block! I will never again take for granted the production of a satisfying image. I have been doing lots of shoots recently that have produced nothing of interest. I am pleased with this piece, but after spending much time and deliberation over it.
I now refuse to ever believe that photography, no matter how naturally 'pretty' some people seem to think I am, is 'easy'! (You can read my rant on beauty here). Photography (at least, obtaining the visions of what I call interesting photography) is rock hard, self-portraiture is bloody harder...

The title is from Matthew 9.21 where there's a short story of a sick woman wanting to be cured by Jesus, with an illustration of her creeping up behind him, wanting to touch his cloak. The illustration has always stuck in my mind, sometimes it pops into my head when I am creeping up to my dog on my hands and knees, to kiss the back of his soft shin. ("If only I could touch his fur"...) Wanting to incorporate the thought into my photography somehow, I found that these unplanned crawling-clones happily fit the bill.

Thanks to Darren Rapley, I had the entire confines of White Rock Theatre in Hastings of which to make creative use. I expect you'll be seeing many more pics made in this location!

Better on black

Uploaded by Miss Aniela on 1 Mar 08, 8.48AM PST.

The shape of light

The shape of light
Originally uploaded by Miss Aniela
Two beautiful girls...such an awesome art piece..

The chase

The chase
Originally uploaded by Miss Aniela
I liked the crop

A little January sunshine from a composite made last year, taken in Milan.

Six clones, the most I have ever used ;) View larger on black to see them all.

Saw the final of the TV competition 'Picture This', and discovered that you don't even have to be able to take a good picture to win a national photography competition! To become successful, take shitter pictures!
Read more about that and the other 999 reasons I hated the programme here on my blog. I welcome your responses if you saw the programme.

Uploaded by Miss Aniela on 21 Jan 08, 7.38AM PST.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Heaven is like this....

Heaven is like this....
Originally uploaded by wongwong
Winter time is a great place for holding each other sleeping like this...

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Charmed :-)

Charmed :-)
Originally uploaded by orionmystery
I didn't realise they had big heart-shaped butts until i viewed the image on my laptop. LOL.

Monday, December 01, 2008

eagle with fish

eagle with fish
Originally uploaded by scubapup
oh why do i always work on the friday after thanksgiving :)

1d conowingo_2008-11-27_0018

Uploaded by scubapup on 28 Nov 08, 11.14AM PST.

miren el siglo, sigan el ritmo

Luces que llegan
nubes que espian
esta ciudad - nuestra ciudad
mensaje claro, pruebas que quitan
excepticidad en nuestra ciudad
esta ciudad abre sus brazos al don
de este corazón - nuestro corazón

Uploaded by yusso on 28 Nov 08, 9.05AM PST.


Originally uploaded by Dog Is Love
Sampson loves to drive the horses crazy. Limerick is the only other horse who really plays with him in return. Unfortunately, no horse has the play drive that Sampson has 24-7...poor

The beauty amongst Anemones

Please view large,
Happy Blue Monday and a great first of the Month everyone!
We are full steam ahead for many Holidays in different religions,
Regal tang fish

The Heritage of Sky (Do you know Turkish Flag?..)

Originally uploaded by MegElizabeth_
self portrait interrupted by Kitten

Uploaded by MegElizabeth_ on 11 Feb 08, 7.33PM PST.

Dream car

“The really happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery when on a detour.”

Can this picture be anymore perfect?

Slinky Eyes :)

Slinky Eyes :)
Originally uploaded by Megan E


Originally uploaded by estudiocreativa

Tell me how you remember.

the sweetest hangover

the sweetest hangover
Originally uploaded by alǝx

Reddy or Not??

Reddy or Not??
Originally uploaded by LeapFrog!
These were all taken in my backyard on Monday of this week!! I spotted this male Northern Cardinal feeding on the Concord Grapes that I left on the vine for the birds. As soon as I opened my sliding door, it flew to the top of my cedars, which is at the back of my yard. This was as close as I dare get to get these shots.

This family of Cardinals have been visiting my yard now for about 9 years ... and I have viewed some of their offspring's. The female Northern Cardinal is seldom seem, but she does visit once in awhile and have posted her before. These photos are cropped to get some of the details, and are the best results I could get at this distance.

Some Interesting Facts:

* The female Northern Cardinal sings a song that may give the male information about when to bring food to the nest.
* A mated pair shares song phrases, but the female may sing longer and has a more complex song.
* The male cardinal fiercely defends its breeding territory from other males.
* When a male sees its reflection in glass surfaces, it frequently spends hours fighting the imaginary intruder.
* Brighter red males feed at higher rates, and have greater reproductive success than duller males.

Here is the song of the male:

NOTE: I have not been around much in the past week, so I will try and catch up on my comments to all on my "Friends & Family" list throughout this weekend!! - Sincerely Art

PS: I visited the Feral Cats at Bluffer's Park with my Buddy yesterday, and I provided them with some food. About 12-15 of them came out to feed, and I observed that they were all in good health. They were very interesting to watch, and not as hungry as I thought. I could see by the number of empty bowls, they're being fed by others. I have added a few of these shots on this post as an update!!

I got a body and a brain, the first is to get my men, the second is to keep'em

Muse Departs

Shock Value

Shock Value
Originally uploaded by .bullish

Welcome Home, Son

Welcome Home, Son
Originally uploaded by Gísli Dúa

Water looks good, I think I'll dive in!